Gospel News Ministry is holding regular Friday & Sunday meeting in its local area. Where large number of people come from different places in the presence of God. These meetings are becoming very popular. These days are becoming known with reference to Gospel News Ministries because God shows its great power in these meetings. Holy Spirit moves a lot in these meetings and they are also being telecast on social media and Praise Tv so that people can view them at remote locations as well.
We regularly arrange open-air healing big crusades in different cities of Pakistan during the year. These programs are so big and large number of people come to these crusades. Almighty God shows its power and people during the meeting get healing, holy baptism, and get relief from their problems and on top of it they repent and accept Jesus as their savior
Gospel News Ministry is holding regular Friday & Sunday meeting in its local area. Where large number of people come from different places in the presence of God. These meetings are becoming very popular. These days are becoming known with reference to Gospel News Ministries because God shows its great power in these meetings. Holy Spirit moves a lot in these meetings and they are also being telecast on social media and Praise Tv so that people can view them at remote locations as well.
Gospel News Ministry regularly arranges Baptism and Free distribution of bibles in Christian community. This is done on large scale and such programs are being shared on social media and on Praise Tv. Purpose behind bible distribution if make bible available to large number of people so that they may read it and get blessing from God.
Education condition of our community in Pakistan is very weak mainly because of their financial state. But all we know in today’s time education very crucial to survive and for success in every walk of life. In order to achieve this objective GNMP has started its Free education program in which it is helping deserving students in the following areas: Free Education, Free Books, Free Stationary & Free Uniform
In our country there are natural disasters every year like flood and earthquake. Also, there remain threat of suicide bombing due to which sometime great damages occur. For this GNM never stayed back. It comes in front and along with other organizations it provides every possible support to the victims like, food support, shelter support, medical support, clothing support, financial support.